IS EATING EMOTIONAL? Advantages to a vegan lifestyle


Whenever I talk in social gatherings about diet, nutrition or detoxing I get everyone’s full attention. We are obsessed with image, quick fixes, sugar and prescription drugs. Majority wants to know how to set themselves free from all bad feeding habits. We tend to hold on to things we value the most. Eating is such an emotional act and letting go of some favorite unhealthy dishes can cause some psychological chaos. We are sugar addicts with set rules for devouring food. It has become a hot topic. Those who take huge effort to maintain a good quality of life will be repaid with turning clocks and enjoy more youthful vigor. Statistics tell us that those who drink, smoke, eat meat, lack sleep and rest, overwork, and stress prematurely meet the early grave. And those who manage to survive significantly reduce their quality of life.



I felt compelled to try this kinder, healthier lifestyle change to improve my health, well being and I must say the transition to living foods diet was noticeably smooth. It wasn’t a sacrifice at all. I decided to be in charge of my own rules what I could eat. It opened a new exciting window of pursuing life and its manifestations. At the heart of Veganism is compassion, it is simply an attempt to reduce the suffering of animals and understanding that they are not source of vital nutrients. I love animals but not on my plate. Life is sweet right now! In fact, it is so sweet that I am once again avoiding sugar, or rather I guess I find creative way to make it sweet vegan way.


Giving up all animal products including meat, milk, eggs, yogurt and cheese at first seemed impossible. Just imagine spending few months in la Cote Basque, France where its all about eating world’s best cheeses, rabuggo and pata negra hams and freshly baked baguettes that tempt you from every farmer’s corner. I was asking myself how can I let go of these deceiving my health “goodies”.  Fortunately I found huge abundance of fresh organic non-GMO locally produced tasty fruits, legumes, and nuts that build full powerful immune spectrum. I turn my focus to strengthening the longevity and superior health with yoga, fitness, meditation, pure air, sunshine, oxygen rich forests, breath taking mountains, ocean waves and beautiful nature. I focus on gratitude and appreciation. Few undesired pounds just came off, energy increased, clothes fit better and seemed more colorful then usual. Its been blue print of mind reprogramming and took more then dietary changes.

A common misconception about vegan diets is that it is impossible to consume healthful levels of protein. One can easily derive more than enough protein from a vegan diet. (like sprouts and see vegetables that are protein rich) Human body thrives wholly on plant based vitamins and minerals. Most foods that you regularly eat can be made vegan with little effort. For example, you can still enjoy burritos, but instead of meat and cheese, you may substitute with nuts, beans, salsa and nut cheese with pinch of sesame and sea salt. If you have a sweet attack frozen banana or nut icecream are great solution to satisfy your sweet tooth.BOOK-PROJECT-38
We all have a responsibility to listen to our own souls and each of us desires something different and that’s a good thing. As I continue to “Vegucate” myself I am planning to  compensate fully vegan lifestyle by staying within vegan vortex, explore new recipes, throw vegan dinner parties and share this message with the world!

P.S. As always i would like to hear from you if eating is emotional for you? How does it effect your life. Share your comments, tips and suggestions with the rest of us.







What kind of fashionista are you when vacationing?


Beach, pebble of sand, sound of waves, local bar… Well do you always need to parade and show off your style or would you rather forget all about it during Summer vacation?

Photo1-11. Do you lie how many pair of shoes do you carry in your suitcase?

2. What’s in your cosmetic bag and toiletry? Do you pack sample traveling or full size bottles?

3. Are you able to pack in one suitcase to avoid the risk of paying extra baggage?

4. Do you take fashionable shorts with you?

5. Do you window shop in the clothing store by the beach? How tempted are you?

6. Do you carry every morning your signature designer bag when going to get your coffee?

7. What do you wear in the evening when you go out for dinner? Do you prefer to be casual or you doll up?

8. How do you style your hair when you go swimming?

9. What kind of jewelry do you chose for the beach?

10. Do you manicure your nails?

11. Finally what kind of clothes you would never wear in the beach?



  Let me hear your favorite fashion Beach  story?


To your dream Summer Closet!



Attract wealth, health, greatness & become fearless



I know exactly what you are thinking.  You want it all but don’t believe you can do it or where to start. I understand your pain. I have been there myself and I can tell you there is a better way then just feeling sorry for yourself. You are not alone. Yes you can do this and have it all any time you wish.


My guest Fitness Expert Sylwia Wisenberg will help every step of the way to conquer your fears. She has some valuable fitness game changing ideas. Sylwia Wisenberg is a creator of Tonique Fitness method where fitness birth takes place through new form of squatting and lounging. Her interior brilliance, charisma alters our limitless beliefs and turns them to ashes.

A simple truth rocks our world bad eating, sleep depravation, and lack of exercising patterns-can’t change themselves!  Knowing how higher life is not to be exception to the rule. It is the rule for everyone willing to undertake Sylwia’s advice. I stumbled upon Sylwia’s fitness footprints through the chaos of my own inner voices. She shared her single coherent story about how we live that makes a difference. Sylwia created new reality for my future, and introduced me to who I really were. I was drawn to pursuit whatever its nature had to offer: Good Health is the Basis for Higher growth, evolution, personal development and awakening. Her wisdom helps to liberate women

eatlikeapigfrom the host of fears and unablement that holds our will power hostage. Whenever our fit and well being is compromised or altered, it does so only for one reason: somewhere in some place someone just like you and me suddenly needs change. In the blink of an eye there comes an unexpected, but long-hoped for re evaluation visitation of some Gene in the bottle who can make our wishes through the movement. You wonder what has it been and what yet may be. Most people proclaim their wish to be free, hardly anyone is willing to undertake the serious work required to have their wishes granted. Sylwia is your Gene in the bottle.  But it takes precedence over our latent need to be made a new.


From talking to Sylwia hopefully springs a seed her tireless work out routine and endless compassion helps make possible and understanding that anyone who so desires can realize wholly new order of oneself and start fresh from a scratch.

Now we are all in it and we can totally be candid with Sylwia. Her greatness awaits each one of us, and her generoisity awakens the sleepy fitness warrior within us. It takes on a whole new magnitude.

Anyone who worked out with her graces by her illumination and sees the well being approach anew. To achieve strength endurance what we perceived as impossible now we welcome it as natural. Everything changes forever. Aha moments come with every squad and energizing music. Moments appear out of nowhere and for the most part the major changes they herald go largely noticed by our friends and family. I-LOVE-FITNESS-4

Now go and do it yourself. Vitality begins with you!

Turn wealth into health and greatness now!

Click here to learn more about how to get flat stomach and firmed butt.

You can visit their website



How to get flat stomach & firmed butt with SYLWIA WISENBERG Tonique Fitness




Sylwia Wisenberg cuts to the chase when it comes to revolutionizing your fitness. In her 2 hour Tonique Fitness Class you can expect gradual metamorfosis of your body, loosing weight and gaining lots of confidence. She is there to help you do more then one thing get healthy and fit.  If you want proof that her wisdom and expertise works just look at her body. She is beautiful, successful, energetic and above all always happy. And that’s the key: you need to take care of your Inner Goddess first.

Sylwia is an expert at teaching just that!

Tonique Fitness provides focus, and confirmation as you grow in understanding your limitless fitness nature. With the first squad you become instantly present and very engaged. Sylwia pushes you up and out of your comfort zone and is there to support you through every lounge, squat, and each drop of sweat. 31yvLh5DvYL

The more you practice this routine and see positive results, the more confidence you gain. You will unlock the door to the true self-Godess within you.

Its all about persistently working with your body, mind and soul when the little voice whispers to your ear just the opposite that You can not do it. When you ignore it and handle all three a fit and fantastic physical being empowers your better self. When I travel and gym is nowhere to be around I always make sure that Sylwia’s excersising DVD is with me. All you need is computer or DVD player and you ready to start squatting.

If you wish to take baby steps and follow Tonique Fitness routine from a small screen you can get yourself Tonique Fitness DVD here or click on the image above.


I have learned from Sylwia that fitness is more then just exercise, and eating right. I feel comfortable and encouraged in the environment where she has created a guide and supportive community to keep you in the right mindset. We are all surrounded there by purpose, lots of positive energy, healthy eating recipes and constant moving.

Tonique Fitness is addictive and every week you feel like elevating your level even more.  For those who love challenge and improvement Sylwia’s integrative approach to help all women is inspiring and very effective.  She has that sweet glow and banana smile glued to her face that women always want to be surrounded by her.

XguFmpnkI5QxR6rUqs-nt-MUVU94EOQU3F8vxbiJIws,L8LAiszIxOemMphwfvr6ZyYG2NvNIDHpVI73N-xWIKcWithin 2 hours of this intense workout (I won’t lie its easy) you can expect some zen fit approach getting fit. Great energetic music, supportive co-exercising bodies and time goes by so quickly putting you in the total “spaceless” trans.

Sylwia’s insight, fitness expertise, big heart and smile trumps all. She not only empowered me but brought health, tasty vegan yummy choices, lots of coconuts and friendship into my life. Now I am addicted to two things Tonique Fitness and delicious morning Coconut smoothies.

I m so grateful that I met so many wonderful women in Sylwia’s Tonique class who share the same passion, vision for fitness and living to the world. We exchange recipes, cook for each other always cheering the fullness of our vigor.


481159_10200918698914895_2090231744_nTAKE NOTES, AND ACT ON WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED!

 The miracles that you expect are on its way!

For more information about Tonique Fitness and Sylwia Wisenberg please visit their website

To purchse Tonique Fitness DVD click here
