We can dominate living foods movement






with Dr. Brian Clement




with Dr. Anna Maria Clement


with Victoras Kulvinskas co-founder of Hippocrates

I wish you could all be here with me at Hippocrates Health Institute picking the brains of those amazing dedicated lecturers that I deeply admire. They devoted their life to a powerful mission of helping thousands to create the life filled with meaning, wisdom and  wonder.  There has been so much to absorb and digest from each speaker, and digestive enzymes had nothing to do with it. I barely had any time to sleep trying to process and sort out everything I was learning. They all brought some unique intelligence, definition of personal success, knowledge, passion, encouragement, devotion and huge heart. We were all wired up, interactive with questions and quickly grasping to each revelation as each speaker was taking the stage. I am a practical gal who likes to implement such wisdom right on the spot. My head was spinning from astonishment and flow of accurate information quickly filling up my notebook. I must say I really enjoyed immensely lectures of Victoras Kulvinskas co founder, with Wigmore of Hippocrates Institute. He is a walking wellness library ready to be shared at any asked moment. You can just turn pages in his genius brain and find answer to every inquiry. I also was drowned to Dr. Brian and Anna Maria Clements with Q&A session. They got my juices flowing much before they were physically poured and served. I got lots of clarity, and wish I could stop the time.  It was a natural progression of what  I have became aware of. They really created my own personal revolution: how I nourish my body and listen to it, reshuffle priorities, values, and choices.

This has been transformational guide to my personal inspiration. I have learned that I m now conscious of how every choice I make can have an impact on everything and everyone around. We are all like supporting family.

Here are some valuable points I took notes of and wanted to share with you:

1. Dr.Brian Clement informed us about shocking reality of what really goes on behind the door of majority food chain industries. I wasn’t aware that food chain companies hire biochemists around the clock with huge salaries to create addicting poisonous chemical formulas in our foods. 

2. I have learned great value and benefits of wheat grass, sprouts, and blue green algae. These super foods give enormous amounts of energy and vitality allowing our physique to function on optimal level. Your body and mind will thank you for it through your increased energy levels, the health of your skin, and stronger immune system.

3. Only fox can digest eggs

4. Tomato is a fruit

5. Watermelon is a new Viagra.

6. Cashews are poisonous. They are not sold raw as claimed and contained urushiol that can create significant skin rashes, and can be toxic when ingested.

7. Avocado is a source of healthy bacteria

8. The day you rest you develop muscles  

9. Fish goes rancid when is out of water for more then 20 minutes

10. Melons are meant to eat alone. They digest within 15-30 minutes

11. Coconut oil is great for teeth pulling. It will make your gums stronger and will kill bacteria

12. Mongbeans fight flu and restore gray hair

13. Right food combining: carbohydrates don’t mix with protein. Starches don’t mix with protein, fruits, avocado. Fruits don’t mix with vegetables, and protein.

14. Antibiotics don’t kill viruses but bacteria

15. To eat fruits you must be healthy. They should be 15% of your overall diet. Sugar feeds Candida and cancer.

16. Chocolate is made of agave and nibs.

17. Don’t put apple cider vinegar to food as it kills enzymes.

18. Proteins don’t put weight on, carbohydrates do

19. Dr. Clement said “Define your purpose and find your passion. Purposeful life is a life worth living”.

20. Victoras Kulvinskas said “Be you not BS”!

This content was fascinating and gaining this knowledge is priceless. Once you are in you are in for life. I m so eager to live my life as a happy and healthy adventure. If I get the gift to inspire someone the same way I was inspired by those teachers it will be the cherry on top.





IS EATING EMOTIONAL? Advantages to a vegan lifestyle


Whenever I talk in social gatherings about diet, nutrition or detoxing I get everyone’s full attention. We are obsessed with image, quick fixes, sugar and prescription drugs. Majority wants to know how to set themselves free from all bad feeding habits. We tend to hold on to things we value the most. Eating is such an emotional act and letting go of some favorite unhealthy dishes can cause some psychological chaos. We are sugar addicts with set rules for devouring food. It has become a hot topic. Those who take huge effort to maintain a good quality of life will be repaid with turning clocks and enjoy more youthful vigor. Statistics tell us that those who drink, smoke, eat meat, lack sleep and rest, overwork, and stress prematurely meet the early grave. And those who manage to survive significantly reduce their quality of life.



I felt compelled to try this kinder, healthier lifestyle change to improve my health, well being and I must say the transition to living foods diet was noticeably smooth. It wasn’t a sacrifice at all. I decided to be in charge of my own rules what I could eat. It opened a new exciting window of pursuing life and its manifestations. At the heart of Veganism is compassion, it is simply an attempt to reduce the suffering of animals and understanding that they are not source of vital nutrients. I love animals but not on my plate. Life is sweet right now! In fact, it is so sweet that I am once again avoiding sugar, or rather I guess I find creative way to make it sweet vegan way.


Giving up all animal products including meat, milk, eggs, yogurt and cheese at first seemed impossible. Just imagine spending few months in la Cote Basque, France where its all about eating world’s best cheeses, rabuggo and pata negra hams and freshly baked baguettes that tempt you from every farmer’s corner. I was asking myself how can I let go of these deceiving my health “goodies”.  Fortunately I found huge abundance of fresh organic non-GMO locally produced tasty fruits, legumes, and nuts that build full powerful immune spectrum. I turn my focus to strengthening the longevity and superior health with yoga, fitness, meditation, pure air, sunshine, oxygen rich forests, breath taking mountains, ocean waves and beautiful nature. I focus on gratitude and appreciation. Few undesired pounds just came off, energy increased, clothes fit better and seemed more colorful then usual. Its been blue print of mind reprogramming and took more then dietary changes.

A common misconception about vegan diets is that it is impossible to consume healthful levels of protein. One can easily derive more than enough protein from a vegan diet. (like sprouts and see vegetables that are protein rich) Human body thrives wholly on plant based vitamins and minerals. Most foods that you regularly eat can be made vegan with little effort. For example, you can still enjoy burritos, but instead of meat and cheese, you may substitute with nuts, beans, salsa and nut cheese with pinch of sesame and sea salt. If you have a sweet attack frozen banana or nut icecream are great solution to satisfy your sweet tooth.BOOK-PROJECT-38
We all have a responsibility to listen to our own souls and each of us desires something different and that’s a good thing. As I continue to “Vegucate” myself I am planning to  compensate fully vegan lifestyle by staying within vegan vortex, explore new recipes, throw vegan dinner parties and share this message with the world!

P.S. As always i would like to hear from you if eating is emotional for you? How does it effect your life. Share your comments, tips and suggestions with the rest of us.







Why Food combining matters








Just last weekend I visited annual NY Life Expo where different natural holistic vendors, doctors and health experts offer their services, products and conduct educational lectures. I love to check out who and what’s new, what’s exciting on the market and listen to some educational presentations. There is always something to learn, be curious about, rise questions observe and experience. My favorite booth to tour is always Vitamix. There is continuous abundance of interesting recipes, new colorful upgraded machines with fancy buttons to press and turn. This is one piece of equipment I truly can’t live without in my kitchen. As I was passing by the Vitamix station the pitch man was demonstrating how easy it was to make delicious icecream. He have put to his mix: some carrots, spinach, bananas, berries, strawberries, peaches and I almost fainted when I saw that food combo being blended. After being lectured at Hippocrates Health Institute on the right food combining I couldn’t remain silent and pointed out to him that he was poorly combining all ingredients. He lifted his paused face from the pitcher not understanding what I was talking about. He answered firmly that once you have your own Vitamix you can put and mix whatever you wish. Immediately I was rushed to the side by another Vitamix representative who informed me that I was making to much co-motion for other potential clients who were being programed how to make a “booz”.

Lack of proper information or ignorance can cause a lot of unnecessary suffering and discomfort in our body. For years that was my main concern. I didn’t understand why did I have fireworks effect in my stomach. I felt bloated after each meal despite my conviction that I was eating healthy diet. I didn’t know that fruits and nuts didn’t belong together in cereals. I had no clue that fruits shouldn’t be mixed with vegetables. I wasn’t aware that tomato is a fruit and does not belong in a salad. For a short time I was designed by a nutritionist a “nutritional” atomic bomb smoothie that consisted of the following: banana, spinach, peach, pineapple, coconut meat, strawberries, avocado, spiritualina, 1tbs of coconut oil or olive oil, 1 tbs of macca powder, 1 glass of almond milk, 1 date. Just imagine how poorly it was combined. Additionally it was overloaded with extremely high caloric content. I was to scared to count. I felt heavy and bloated all day after drinking it. At the time I didn’t understand why my weight was sky rocketing.

The most commonly served improper food combining is protein with starches. (meat and potatoes most of us grew up on)  The after thoughts cause gas, heartburn and uncomfortable bloating. Various digestion process of wrongly combined foods enables the food to get digested and body can’t adept to assimilate the nutrients. Our digestive system gets sluggish and can’t eliminate waste deposits.  It creates various gases in the body, including sulfur. The more ingredients goes into our stomachs the more chances of creating Digestive explosions. Combining starch and avocado is another example of bad food combining that can only contribute more sparks to the flamed stomach. We digest food at various time frames in various acid/alkaline environments.

Here is a list of food-combining groups

protein: seeds, nuts – digest on average within 4 hrs

starches: sprouted grains, sprouted legumes, hard winter squashes, sweet potatoes & yams – digest on average 3 hrs

vegetables: sprouted greens, fruits vegetables, leafy greens, low starches root vegetables – digest on average within 2.5hrs

fruits: acid (grapefruits, lemons, oranges, strawberries), sub-acid – apples, apricots, most berries, grapes, kiwis, mango, pears, peaches, sweet – bananas, all dried fruit, persimmons – digest on average within 2hrs

melons have excellent benefits when eaten alone  digest on average within 15-30mins

tomatoes are fruits not vegetables contrary to general understanding. Eaten alone they are beneficial to cleanse your liver of deposited fats.

One of my favorite breakfast meal used to be oatmeal or granola with almond milk and massive amount of fruits and nuts. Little did I know that this combination of starch and sweet fruit created fermentation and alcohol in my body. Basically I was boozed.

Nutritious combinations of foods are avocado and greens, avocado and sub-acid fruit, protein and sprouts with leafy greens, starches and sprouts with vegetables.

Here are properly food combined healthy delicious breakfast suggestions and smoothie recipes for you:

1. banana, peach, berries, sprouts like alfalfa sprout, with or without splash of coconut water. 

2. Pineapple, peach, berries, avocado, alfalfa sprout with or without splash of coconut water.

3.  1 glass of raw almond milk, 1 date,  1 tbs of chia seeds. Blend all in Vitamix or other blender until creamy smooth. For being super duper you can add digestive enzymes, probiotic and blue green algae to any of the above smoothies and cerals. 

4. Sprouted dehydrated buckwheat mixed with water or buckwheat milk. You can add pumpkin pie spice, pinch of cinnamon, or a drop of stevia. 

If you ever make a mistake or poorly food combine just take some digestive enzymes and it will help you to speed up your digestion process.


P.S. As always i would like to hear from you about your breakfast choices and food combining. Share your comments, tips and suggestions with the rest of us.




Value of Blue green algae detox







When my body gets all nutrients it needs I feel satisfied, rebooted and stay away from “illegal” sweet cravings. My appetite is suppressed and I am totally in charge how to nutrify my cells while accelerating rebuilding them. One of the best way I learned to do just that is consuming blue green algae.  It has a consistency of pea soup covering lakes with huge dense abundance of nutrients. There has been so much misinformation on the internet about this magical super plant. Blue-green algae are profusely found in tropical or subtropical wild waters that have a high-salt content, but some types grow in large fresh water lakes. Currently they grow in only one lake in the world: Klamath Lake in southern Oregon, US. Several authors and scientists claim that they restore balance to life gradually leading to living more sensible lifestyle. They are the highest vegetarian source of vitamin B-12 available, and high in beta-carotene. If you are thinking of detoxing and restoring balance to your body this is the most efficient way to cross the brain barrier. There are some great results manifesting significant improvement in Alzheimer’s disease as well as there are reported cases of enhanced athletes performance. I personally have been experiencing enormous amount of energy and strength.

Blue green algae is on the top of my list when I think of successful detox. I want to make sure that all toxins can be successfully removed from my system. Its vital to restore the energy, recondition clearer thinking, get more sound sleep and have more stamina. It kicks off a wide spectrum of minerals and trace minerals, as well as wide range of vitamins. The list goes on. It additionally removes heavy metals and radiation by simply absorbing it like a sponge. I consider it my initial investment for healthy skin, hair, nails but foremost strengthener and rebuilder of the immune system. These simple plants have the ability to convert toxic waste material into passive substances, provide free radical protection, and supply essential and nonessential amino acids. Personally the most appealing to me is the fact that they have power to enhance energy and ability to manage stress, strengthen immune system, and improve attention and alertness. With that said I make sure to put into my green juice 2 oz daily of E3 Live or when travel I take LifeGive Body 4 capsules with each meal. 

P.S. As always I would like to hear from you what has been your experience with blue green algae. Share your comments, suggestions and advice with the rest of us.KASIA





Drink green juices on your way to the top











With each day spent at Hippocrates Health Institute I m getting seriously veggicated. More and more I m realizing that we are going back to basics. Eating real fresh organic non GMO food, nourishing our body and mind serves best purpose our relationship with food. Being healthy is not about deprivation or clueless dieting. True vibrant health is a natural state. Food should come from our mother nature not microwave, or frying pans. Its our fuel of energy, nourishment and optimum health. Above everything it is our madison and answer to health challenges we face. I discovered that sprouts are hot stuff. They contain solar energy in the most digested form available. They are more delicious and nutritious (around 30-40 times) then kale, spinach or any other vegetable. The protein content is around 20-30% and is easily absorbed by the body. They also provide an abundance of antioxidants and balanced supply of vitamins and minerals. Sprouts make fantastic delicious base of a green juices.

Its my morning daily ritual since I have learned about amazing benefits of drinking green juice. Its quick, easy and economical to start a day. I have been getting into the instinctive habit of impatiently checking my watch at 10am and 4pm when green juice is served daily at Hippocrates Institute.

Contrary to what you may think juicing isn’t boring. It provides so many varieties for creating your own super tasty favorite recipes. I love to indulge in Hippocrates green juice formula as it proved to me to be the most nutritious and delicious and the same time. I m still in process of mastering its taste perfection when I visit home on the weekend. I rested the case of experimenting with different veggies and sticked to this dainty green juice formula. At home I prepare them fresh daily to maximize on its nutritional value. My first morning serving is 16oz and another patch of afternoon 16oz to follow. Its my “pm siesta” green latte without gig-erring side effects. The formula that I most enjoy and you may like as well is:

Hippocrates Institute Green Juice Formula

1-1.5 cucumber

2 stalks of celery

1 handful of pea sprouts

1 handful of sunflower sprouts

To make it even more special I like to add 1 oz of ginger and 1 oz of blue green algae. (Super Blue-Green Algae is a complete and balanced protein and has been found to be effective in reducing radiation and heavy metal exposure in the body. It also adds minerals to our systems, especially trace minerals, lacking because of the depleted state of the soil.) You may also add 1 oz of garlic. Just be mindful to others when you consume garlic.

Green juice is easy to absorb and gives the digestive system a much deserved rest. It regulates blood sugar bringing balance to food cravings. It oxygenates the body, removes toxins and rebuilds immune system.

Drinking green juices will get your juices flowing.

Cheers! To your health!



P.S. As always I would love to hear from you how do you prepare your green juices and what do you use in your recipe? Share your tips suggestions and formulas with the rest of us.



















Out of all shots I like daily shots of wheatgrass. I can’t stop bragging about it since I discovered its magical power at Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach Florida. I want everybody to get their juices flowing by drinking wheatgrass juice. Imagine that “life blood” is going through your veins every day deliciously detoxing your body as well as delivering optimum vitality, longevity, and superpowers. I have been experiencing exactly that for the past 6 weeks since I started drinking this miraculous liquid.

I love this feeling and to me looking and feeling energetic is priceless. Its hard to imagine that just 2 oz has so much benefits. Its the highest concentration of chlorophyll, which is the key component of life-force energy. There is a whole meal in just one, two once wheatgrass juice and its equivalent to approximately five pounds of fresh vegetables. I noticed that taste may vary from sweet (at Hippocrates Institute) to a little bitter at various juice places. It all depends on its proper cultivation.

Several documented studies proved that chlorophyll is therapeutic in the treatment of anemia, tuberculosis, arteriosclerosis. Its also effective is tissue growth stimulator and healing agent for numerous types of ulcer and other disorders. It contains 92 of the 102 trace minerals as well as a full balanced spectrum of readily assimilated B vitamins. It assists in reducing blood pressure, purifies liver, and helps wounds to heal faster. 

I fell tremendous energy uplift, positive mood boost, but foremost I was able to eliminate painful menstrual cramps. What a relief!

To an untrained eye the blades of wheatgrass may look similar to the blades of any common lawn grass.  Wheatgrass is grown from the wheat berry, which is the whole kernel of the wheat grain. It is suggested to drink 2oz twice a day, on an empty stomach, allowing 15-20mins to digest before consuming any other food or liquid. Do not mix it with any other fruit to sweeten the texture. Adding a little bit of ginger is acceptable. You may drink small amount of water after your shot. Once juiced, wheatgrass is not stable and tends to go rancid quickly. So its best to drink it within 15 minutes of juicing.  If you drink it to late at night it may keep you awake. For your convenient juicing you can use Omega #8006 juicer to prepare your daily shots at home. You will save a lot of money and can enjoy fresh wheatgrass shots any time you desire.

As you could see this could be ideal coffee substitute to keep you alert, focus but foremost super healthy.


P.S. I would love to hear from you what has been your experience with wheatgrass. Did you like it? Did you notice any difference in your health improvement? Share your comments, suggestions with the rest of us.





It is not surprising that stones have many health benefits apart from its breath taking beauty of colors, shapes and luminosity. They can lift one’s mood, alter the vibration and enchant us with its uniqueness. If you don’t believe me try to visit some crystal exhibition and you will effortlessly be switched to tranquility and incredible vibration charge. Stones have been used in Ayurveda madison, meditation, massage therapies, esthetic madison,  to treat and heal several maladies. Old Ages knew it best when they used them through their religious and spiritual ceremonies and ancient healing.

Our body is mainly build of several minerals. Without them we can’t function properly. We are vibrating charged creatures. Slight mineral depletion in our body immediately sends an alarming signal putting the red refill light on.

Stones can have huge impact on our health if we let them. Like Magnetite, found in internal ear and brain, or silicon dioxide present in our cells. It serve our body as agent of transmitting and receiving particularly being sensitive to crystal emissions. Crystals are my favorite stones . They are divine in shapes, sizes, and their presence makes me safe and protected. They are live stones with high vibration frequency transmitting energies. We all have diversity of complexion in comprehending and receiving these vibrations. I was very spell blinded and fascinated when I have visited 2 years ago crystal museum in Florence, Italy. It felt like being in a candy store where instead of sugar rush I was stoned. It felt like being underwater admiring its multidimensional colorful flora. I had no idea how many different kind and sorts of crystal existed. The room was sparkling with extra charged energetic vibrations. For some people each astrological sign has its own stone.  Amongst the stones with the most healing virtues, the Malanchite is pioneering with its anti-inflammatory power. It diminishes arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism. I also love turquoise. Its color vibrance is perfect match in heaven bringing equilibrium and well-being. It purifies and fights bacteria. Another stone worth mentioning is Tiger Eye. It strengthens the bones and is excellent for the liver. The garnet acts on the blood flow, on the heart as well as on fertility. To fully activate stones healing power its importance of acupuncture to keep them in contact with the skin. I would advise you to wear a pendant, bracelet, or charm and benefit from its healing power

Here is my personal collection of stones that I constantly keep brining from all over the world.




Check your sign and find out what is your healing stone:

CAPRICORNE – Chrysoprase


AQUARIUS – TurquoiseTurquoises birthstones

PISCES – Amethyst amethyst-stones

ARIES – Jasper jasper-amazon1

TAURUS – Blue Saphire Blue_Spphire

GEMINI – Chalcedony blue_chalcedony_massive_typeARIES – Diamond



LEO – Jade


VIRGO – Opalall-about-opals

LIBRA – Topaz blue_topaz_group

SCORPIO – PearlsPearl

SAGITTARIUS – Onyxblack-onyx-tumble-stone-20-25mm

P.S. As always I would love to hear from you. Have you have experience with stones that enhanced your health and well being? Which once are your favorite? Share your comments, suggestions and advise with the rest of us.KASIA


Sexy Crazy Miracles are on their way







KNOCK KNOCK  – who’s there? Sexy crazy Miracle.

I couldn’t ask for a better way to start this weekend then spending it with two crazy sexy soul sisters Gabrielle Bernstein and Kris Carr. With the physical and virtual attendance roughly under 1700 in Y Kaufman Concert Hall in NYC I have to say it was a dream gathering of the most stylish and beautiful blondes Bergdorf could ever wish for. We started this exciting evening with short 2 minutes meditation followed by a prayer to reenergize the room and shift its awareness. With no time to waste sexy crazy gals “cut to the chase” instantly moving us to a spiritual bubble.

I was on the mission within those 2 powerful hours to find my quest to claim freedom. Mysteriously my internal voice got completely lost in the big overcrowded room looking for my seat to kick me right where I needed to be awaken. There were so many awesome lessons to learn, expand the mind, and take notes from those two beautiful souls. I wept with joy!

The circulating energy was so vibrant mixed with lots of emotions as personal stories were shared. This was a proper outlet to focus, nod, sporadically whistle allowing the miracles to be scattered. I felt as Kriss was talking just to me. How possibly could she have read my mind knowing what I was going through or how I felt. I didn’t say a word. With her sexy crazy metallic sparkling stilettos she span her magic getting everyone’s undivided attention and lots of applause. Kris talked with so much authority, wisdom, compassion and uncensored humor. And just like a sage with her magic wand transformed and nurtured every present soul in the room. This was my AHA moment when I realized that we are all in it together. We go through same range of emotions, feelings, disappointments, regrets, thoughts and have millions of identical unanswered questions. We tirelessly exhaust questioning our calling ignoring a real urge to exercise our flabby faith muscle.

Adding pinch of joy in simple pleasure boosts our comfort creating our best madison. Because the only way to measure our success would be knowing how much fun we are actually having. When talking about how we compare ourselves to people Kris Carr says,

   “stars don’t compare themselves to other stars.”
“Let go of the pressure you put on yourself to succeed.” 

Turning to nature is the best band-aid for our let downs. Working with compassion starts with ourselves first. It’s a pre-show to forgiveness. This is not a time neither our place to look for guilty or blame anyone. We are the authors of our stories that can be re-written at any time.

As Sexy gal says “the only time you can change someone is when they are in diapers”

This guidance and love exchange released a lot of of my patterns and lead me to actively think and look for certain things. Because when you think you create. Taking baby steps, being patient and doing it well it’s a promising beginning. And you guessed it I am opening all the doors wide inviting miracles to happen! One door and miracle at the time.

Thank you Chris Carr and Gabrielle Bernstein for pointing to that right door! 

 P.S. As always I would like to hear from you if you believe in miracles?  Share your comments thoughts and suggestions with the rest of us.






Introducing HIGH DENSITY LIFT Contour volume cream the ensures YOUTH, & DEFINITION.


If you have been looking to add youthful appearance to your skin you came to the right place. Natura Bisse just lunched their newest revolutionary product this August called High Density Lift. Inspired by the newest trends and technology in facial lifting procedures, and formulated within the INHIBIT COLLECTION. This isTHE treatment that recaptures the youthful definition of the facial contours with increased natural volume and internal lifting.

NB is always committed to formulate skin care that you can trust and their products actually work. For the very first time with the PDGF-Remodeling Complex and the highest quality Dual Hyaluronic Acid, it achieves a high remodeling facial definition. Truthfully, I am totally addicted to them, and I’ve really noticed a significant difference in the quality of my skin since using this line. They are my anti-aging secret weapon, and I know they work because I’ve been using them faithfully for over ten years! The results are amazing: My skin is softer, has more healthy glow and radiance. I am a frequent visitor at their Bergdorf Goodman counter where I get facials and all my NB products.




Here is what you can expect from this miracle cream:

  • Provides a complete skin remodeling process resulting in long-term skin rejuvenation.
  • Rebuilds youthful volume that lifts your skin day after day.
  • Restores high density, fullness and elasticity to your skin.
  • Visibly improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Replenishes optimal hydration levels, providing undeniable comfort and long lasting moisture.
  • Secures a definite pore minimizing action.
  • Extends the results of medical-aesthetic rejuvenation procedures.                               


If you’d like to get your FREE High Density Lift  I would like to hear from you What would you like to do in life, if you were forever young? Share your experience, dreams, and desires. The most inspiring story will be published in the blog and through several other media. The winner will get Free High Density Lift cream $290 retail value.

Now we all can have a divinely gentle way to add youth, lift and countour to our faces any time.KASIA


Eat like a bird and crack the secret



Canary grass, Chia, hemp, Mila seeds gaining a whole new generation of fans. Those who believe that the birdseed are only for “birds” do not know the properties and multiple  health benefits which are almost miraculous!  I must say I was intrigued when I discovered all benefits deriving from its daily consumption, and decided to start testing its greatness on my own.

Care of Canary Birds

They are most nutritious and powerful on this planet. They are rich in high-quality vegetable protein.  Five tablespoons of canary grass seed contain about 9 grams of protein – which is superior when comparing it to 1lb of meat protein. Further more birdseed protein is not harmful or difficult to digest, and is very good stable amino acid assimilation.

They have always been around for thousands of years but we’re only beginning to discover their immense benefits. Very few know that it can be a great benefit for human consumption. The seeds which are very similar to flaxseeds are shiny brown, (Del Alpiste) human grade (silica free).  I buy them packaged whole grain then ground them in my magic bullet to sprinkle them over my salads, veggies or simply add them to my delicious smoothies and soups. They can be made into milk as well. (Recipe below on the page bottom)





Canary grass seed is one of the most powerful and nutritious seeds on earth because of its high content of enzymes, vegetable protein, amino acids, and antioxidants. Its antioxidant properties are very close to those found in Vitamin C. It also contains many enzymes, of which lipase is the most abundant.


Because of its high enzymatic content, canary grass seed helps to reduce the inflammation of internal organs such as the liver, kidney and pancreas, which has proved to be of great help for people with diabetes and cirrhosis. I did some serious research and here is what I found out:

  1. Helpful in weight reduction.
  2. Helpful in sleeping problems
  3. helpful to clean veins and arteries from harmful fats.
  4. Very powerful pancreatic regenerator.
  5. Helps in cases of gout, edema, gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  6. Ideal for hypertension.
  7. Provides muscle tone.
  8. Gets rid of fat deposits in the body, leading to a reduction of obesity and cellulite.
  9. Kills bacteria in the urinary tracts, thus reducing UTI’s, as well as kidney and gall bladder infections.
  10. Refreshing.

Its important to consume it raw, otherwise it looses its all properties when cooked. I also like to make milk out of it and drink it twice a day. First thing in the morning 30 minutes before my breakfast, and at night after the dinner. No other food should be followed after drinking the milk at night.



Five spoons of alpiste seeds + 1liter of water (4 glasses)


Rinse alpiste.

Soak five tablespoons of canary grass seeds in pure water the night before. In the morning, remove the water that has been dipped, soaked and put the birdseed in the blender, you can add soy milk and fruit to taste or simply liquefy and birdseed’s milk sweetened with honey (no sugar), which is a nutritious milk and energy to start the day (morning) and to finish it.It is very important not to sweeten the milk with white sugar, which is very harmful and irritating on your body, besides destroying the enzymes and the powerful effect of this milk. You can add some cinnamon. Avoid refined sugar whenever you can, and if you have small children do not get used to the milk sugar or candy.

Eat and drink like a bird. Ready to give it a go?

