Drink green juices on your way to the top











With each day spent at Hippocrates Health Institute I m getting seriously veggicated. More and more I m realizing that we are going back to basics. Eating real fresh organic non GMO food, nourishing our body and mind serves best purpose our relationship with food. Being healthy is not about deprivation or clueless dieting. True vibrant health is a natural state. Food should come from our mother nature not microwave, or frying pans. Its our fuel of energy, nourishment and optimum health. Above everything it is our madison and answer to health challenges we face. I discovered that sprouts are hot stuff. They contain solar energy in the most digested form available. They are more delicious and nutritious (around 30-40 times) then kale, spinach or any other vegetable. The protein content is around 20-30% and is easily absorbed by the body. They also provide an abundance of antioxidants and balanced supply of vitamins and minerals. Sprouts make fantastic delicious base of a green juices.

Its my morning daily ritual since I have learned about amazing benefits of drinking green juice. Its quick, easy and economical to start a day. I have been getting into the instinctive habit of impatiently checking my watch at 10am and 4pm when green juice is served daily at Hippocrates Institute.

Contrary to what you may think juicing isn’t boring. It provides so many varieties for creating your own super tasty favorite recipes. I love to indulge in Hippocrates green juice formula as it proved to me to be the most nutritious and delicious and the same time. I m still in process of mastering its taste perfection when I visit home on the weekend. I rested the case of experimenting with different veggies and sticked to this dainty green juice formula. At home I prepare them fresh daily to maximize on its nutritional value. My first morning serving is 16oz and another patch of afternoon 16oz to follow. Its my “pm siesta” green latte without gig-erring side effects. The formula that I most enjoy and you may like as well is:

Hippocrates Institute Green Juice Formula

1-1.5 cucumber

2 stalks of celery

1 handful of pea sprouts

1 handful of sunflower sprouts

To make it even more special I like to add 1 oz of ginger and 1 oz of blue green algae. (Super Blue-Green Algae is a complete and balanced protein and has been found to be effective in reducing radiation and heavy metal exposure in the body. It also adds minerals to our systems, especially trace minerals, lacking because of the depleted state of the soil.) You may also add 1 oz of garlic. Just be mindful to others when you consume garlic.

Green juice is easy to absorb and gives the digestive system a much deserved rest. It regulates blood sugar bringing balance to food cravings. It oxygenates the body, removes toxins and rebuilds immune system.

Drinking green juices will get your juices flowing.

Cheers! To your health!



P.S. As always I would love to hear from you how do you prepare your green juices and what do you use in your recipe? Share your tips suggestions and formulas with the rest of us.
